Conference Countdown
Please Read These Instructions Carefully
Before Booking Your Place(s)
(Tickets are exclusively available to professionals directly employed by membership organisations and associations).
If you represent a leading solution provider or provide consulting/digital agency services please refer to our conference/exhibitor opportunities here…
You will be asked specifically how you would like your job title and organisation name to feature on your badge(s). Each should be no longer than 30 characters long. Keep these as short/concise as possible. E.g. Head of Digital Transformation and Member Engagement should read Head of Digital/Engagement or the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is better displayed as RSPB.
Ticket Bookers can update delegate information or swap out delegates here until Friday 3rd May…
Early Bird Pass
(Available until 5pm on 21st March)
£260 (Exc. VAT)
Standard Pass
(Available until 5pm on 14th May)
£325 (Exc. VAT)
Small/Medium Group/Delegation Pass
For 3 to 9 people (33% off)
£216 (Exc. VAT)
Large Group/Delegatation Pass
For 10 or more people (40% off)
£195 (Exc. VAT)
Booking Terms & Conditions
Please read the entry criteria before booking a supplier pass.
Refunds will be discretionary and subject to administration fees.
Full payment for tickets is required prior to the event otherwise places will be re-released.
Transfer Policy: Tickets are fully transferable at any time and you can self-serve online (via the Eventbrite website). An administation fee of £30 per person is chargable).
It is the delegate’s responsibility to ensure name(s), job title(s) and organisation(s) are correctly submitted as this information is used on delegate badges and the delegate list.
Cancellation Refund Policy:
– Full refund if cancelled more than three months before the event.
– 50% refund if cancelled more than two months before the event.
– 25% refund if cancelled more than one month before the event.
We are unable to provide a refund if you cancel less than one month before the event.
Refunds for cancelled bookings will incur a £50 administration fee per ticket.
Data Protection: In alignment with the MemberWise Network Data Protection Privacy Statement (published on the MemberWise website) delegate details will not be shared with third parties, except appropriate conference delivery partner organisations and/or if you (or the booker of your passes(s)) opts-in to hearing from official stakeholders involved with the conference. If you are registered to attend and wish for your details not to feature on the official delegate list please Contact Us.
MemberWise Network Subscription: If you are not yet a member of the MemberWise Network you will be automatically be joined after the conference. Network Membership is free and individuals can unsubscribe at any time. To opt-out of auto-subscription please Contact Us.